Casino PPC: all you need to know in 2024

The gambling industry has grown and keeps growing online driven mainly by one channel: affiliation. The affiliates send their traffic to operators and whenever a new user makes a deposit, they get a commission. They’re typically casino and bookmaker reviews’ …

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Remarketing Best Practices

In the digital marketing realm, capturing attention is only half the battle; retaining it is where the real challenge lies. Remarketing, a strategy that targets users who’ve previously interacted with a brand, offers a solution. By presenting tailored ads to …

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11 Remarketing benefits you should be aware of

In today’s digital landscape, capturing and retaining consumer attention is more challenging than ever. Amidst this, remarketing emerges as a beacon for marketers. It’s not just about re-engaging visitors who left without converting; it’s about strategically repositioning your brand in …

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PPC Agency Google Ads

Choosing a PPC agency requires a lot of knowledge and can be a long and tedious process. In this article, we help you ask the right questions by giving you some elements for reflection to facilitate your decision-making process. Here …

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